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The neoscience Conscientiology is dedicated to study the consciousness, also called individuality, ego, self. 

Conscientiology transcends the materialistic approach of conventional science, proposing the theoretical and practical (theorice) challenge of perception and analysis of the intimate reality from a rational, technical, comprehensive and universalist new perspective.

This transcendence is necessary due to the extensive set of parapsychic phenomena not yet satisfactorily explained by the Newtonian-Cartesian-mechanistic paradigm, such as the out-of-body experience, the near-death experience (NDE), telepathy, the memory of past lives, clairvoyance, among other extrasensory phenomena. 

The current scientific paradigm has been shown to be incomplete with regard to the study of consciousness and its manifestations. Therefore, it is reasonable to be refuted and, when necessary, being replaced by a better alternative.


In this context, Conscientiology emerges, neoscience  proposed by the doctor, dentist, lexicographer, and independent Brazilian researcher Waldo Vieira (1932 - 2015).

Conscientiology goes deeper into the study of consciousness based on the foundations of the Consciential Paradigm, which is the leading theory or philosophical basis of Conscientiology.

According to the Consciential Paradigm, consciousness is not a cerebral by-product, it is not restricted to the physical body, and therefore subsists after biological death.

This approach considers five pillars: holosoma, consciential projection, bioenergetics, multidimensionality and multiexistentiality.

I. Holosoma. Consciousness is not limited to the human body, visible and material. It consists of a set (holo) of bodies or vehicles (somas) of manifestation:

  1. Soma: physical, biological, material body. It is the native vehicle of the intraphysical dimension, the most rustic.

  2. Energosoma: energetic body, composed of numerous chakras.

  3. Psychosoma: body of emotions, also referred to by other lines of knowledge as soul, perispirit or astral body.

  4. Mentalsoma: mental body, parabody of discernment.


II. Consciential projection. The detachment of the psychosoma from the physical body is also known as the phenomenon of consciential projection or astral travel (OBE), which has been reported since time immemorial, and registered in a wide and universal way in all cultures and societies. It is the manifestation of consciousness outside the physical body, presenting itself in another dimension, the extraphysical. It is a unique and singular self-corroborative phenomenon, demonstrating to the self-researcher the existence after death and the interaction with other dimensions besides the intraphysical.

III. Bioenergetics. One of the primary tasks of Conscientiology is to clarify the bioenergetic reality and teach techniques that lead to the control of energies, avoiding unnecessary intoxications in everyday contacts, in order to make consciential interrelationships more fruitful and healthy.

IV. Multidimensionality.  The experience and connection with multiple dimensions through self-paraperceptibility (extrasensory perceptions), characterizes the multidimensionality pillar. The dimensions according to the pattern of thoughts, sentiments, and energies (thosenes) emitted by the consciousnesses.

V. Multiexistentiality.  The existential continuity in multiple human lives, before and after this current life, characterizes the multiexistentiality pillar. The experiences and learnings acquired from previous lives and in the periods between successive lives (intermissive) all together constitute the essence of the personality.

Principle of Disbelief

The neoscience Conscientiology proposes the mega-challenge of the Principle of Disbelief in which the researcher refuses to accept any concept in an aprioristic, dogmatic way, without practical demonstration or deep reflection.

Under this proposition, Conscientiology marks its differentiation from other conventional systems of ideas or lines of knowledge, such as religions, beliefs, and mysticisms in general based on hermetic faith.

There are no absolute truths for consciousness. All knowledge tends to evolve, to move forward. Every study involving consciousness is subject to research and discussion, creating leading-edge relative truths (verpons).

In the Conscientiocentric Institutions  (CIs), places intended to perform conscientiological studies and research, it can be seen the clear and transparent exposure of the following message: “Do not believe in anything, not even in what you hear in this institution. The best is to perform personal, repeated, and self-critical research on the topics under analysis”.

The purpose is that everyone intentionally uses their own lucidity, rationality, and self-discernment in the analysis of different themes, many of them previously approached by different lines of knowledge, daring to  have new self-proving experiences regarding the  consciential reality itself.

*Pictures/Image credits: IIPC e CEAEC


OIC activities do not replace or eliminate potential medical or psychological needs. It is recommended, whenever necessary, to seek out qualified health professionals for the specific attendances, accredited by official boards. OIC does not indicate nominatively any specialist.

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