Self-conscientiotherapy aims to help the consciousness to assume an active role in one’s own health and evolution, by prioritizing self-research and undertaking efforts to continuously improve themself.
Do you identify apriorisms in personal manifestation?
Apriorism in itself is a neutral condition. It means establishing judgements from previous elements, a priori. It can occur in a homeostatic way or pathologically (apriorismosis).
Healthy self-reflection consists in performing intimate contemplation to develop mature and productive soliloquies to achieving personal balance and interassistance qualification.
Sometimes, we have the feeling that we are wasting time, that we are not doing what is a priority, that we are behind schedule, and other self-demands related to productivity.
How to calibrate the personal cosmoethical compass?
Each individual has an indicator, a kind of internal needle that determines the quality of personal decisions and thosenes (thoughts + sentiments + energies).
Conscientiotherapy enables the consciousness to identify evolutionary brakes and provides techniques, resources, and instruments to confront and overcome those.
Self-prescription is the inner determination to undertake actions, techniques, procedures and practical experiences to achieve self-cure of personal obstacles, difficulties, and disturbances.
The external signs of intraphysical consciousness, perceptible to the eyes, ears, and extrasensory paraperceptions, can reveal manifestation traits of the intimate reality of the personality.
The maintenance of a healthy personal holothosene is a prophylactic investment that a lucid conscin can make in the challenge of remaining connected to intermissive course during human life.
The myth of painful recycling is the automatic, but illusory, association of intraconsciential recycling process (recin) to be necessarily linked to pain, discomfort, or annoyance.
The pusillanimity, that is, the weakness of spirit, energy and decision, leading to retreat in life moments of important decisions due to the fear of intrusion pressures.
The intermissivist has a sense of urgency about fulfilling the clauses of self-proexis, because the memory of the intermissive course is present, even unconsciously.
The intermissivist realizes that he has reborn or ressomed to accomplish some task. This intimate feeling impels him to seek ways or routines with interassistantial productivity.
The mechanisms of dramatization, victimization, and monoideism can make it difficult to learn healthy detachment and experiences as interassistance opportunities.
How can Conscientiotherapy help to overcome robotic existence?
the intermissivist without self-criticism and discernment can live the entire intraphysical existence alienated from the pre-resomatic commitments to accomplish the proexis.
Volitioline is the consciential energy used by the consciousness, through the attribute of the will, to undertake personal, intra and extra-consciential actions.